Why I so it lit up and because I very much love solariums,
suntan and to sunbathe in general.
More precisely not, in a solarium because it
was by practical consideration revealed that natural, beautiful suntan on me
appears if I burn down all! and still I will become covered by a crust. It is a
pity for a photo of this beauty is not present as I charred on the beach once.
Though, it is good that the photo did not remain, a show not from pleasant.
So, what we have:
I have very light skin, is direct very much. On me in
some places (on hands and on the top part of legs it is possible to see blood
system and I do not joke) the Show it not from pleasant and therefore I am
forced to mask this "beauty" all the year round. to go each one and a
half months to resorts I have no opportunity, the solarium remained the easiest
way. Where I, 18 summer registered for the first time. I approached business
with all gravity:)) calculated a course of acceptance of solar bathtubs, a minimum
I solarium 4 minutes, at most 10 minutes. Used every time special cream for a solarium,
a stikina, and on eyes put on glasses. I chose a vertical solarium where it was
possible to dance:))) I do not know as you, but I cannot lie not movably even
five minutes.
My first visit to a solarium took place when I arrived from rest and I had quite
logical desire this suntan (for the sake of which flew for seven seas) to keep.
I want to tell at once, I had enough adequacy for about one and a half months.
Further I started going to a solarium
almost or every day. So far I did not burn
down:))) It is very unpleasant, temperature rises, you go red as cancer and all
this business passes only in 2 days. After this case, I thought again a little
and reduced the schedule to 2 times a week. I want to tell at once, it more
than is enough. If you swarty by nature, or already reached the ideal in
suntan, even you will have enough once a week with the head.
Minuses (except that case when I burned down) at me
were not. Hair did not deteriorate (You put on the special hat similar on
medical, and can do it it and was). Even there is nothing to tell in this
point, no problems at me arose.
Why I had to refuse such type of suntan. Only because
when I once again was at the gynecologist (times in half a year, if that)) she
at survey of a breast, noticed characteristic traces from a stikina, hardly
noticeable white aura about nipples and my skin too pale for such way of
obtaining suntan advised me to stop visit of a solarium.